In the interest of protecting the health and well-being of our guests and staff we are required to ask you questions related to your travel and health activities. Before arriving at the park, and at the time of your booking, you will be sent a Covid 19 Declaration Form. This is a requirement of our Covid Safe Management Plan and is required to be returned before your arrival to Ball Park Caravan Park.
We ask that you are honest and take your share of responsibility when responding to the declaration questions, so that we can all do our best to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the park and our community. Failure to produce it prior to arrival may result in being denied park entry.
We agree that park social distancing and gatherings as per state / federal / local governments and park rules are abided by and understand these may change without much notice.
We recommend the use of the Covid-19 App on your phones.
The Ball Park Caravan Park Management thank you for your cooperation.